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New Life will observe the 507th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation on Sunday, October 27. It was on October 31, 1517 that Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. This event marked the start of the Protestant Reformation.


  • October 6-Saul is Chosen
  • October 13-David and Goliath
  • October 20-David's Kindness to Saul
  • October 27-David Sins and Repents


New Life has been blessed with volunteer teachers who put a lot of time into preparing Sunday School lessons. Parents, please make Sunday School a priority for your kids.

Kids who have perfect attendance for a month straight will be rewarded with a $5 gift card for Oberweis Dairy-a sundae for perfect Sunday school attendance.


"Finish what you start!" That old adage is being followed by the Sunday morning Bible class. We began the Gospel according to St. John this past spring and are finishing what we have begun. Currently, we are in John 13. John, in his gospel, gives us information about Jesus' passion that is not contained in the other three gospels.

Adult Bible Class begins at 10:45 AM. After church, grab something to eat and drink and head to the New Life Café for Bible class.


Men's Bible class is finishing a video study called, "The Lost Books." This study takes a look at "other writings" which some feel should be included in the Canon, New Testament apocryphal books and Gnostic gospel. The study explains the nature of these writing as why they have never been included in the Canon.

Men's Bible class is held on Fridays at 11:30 AM. The class starts with lunch and is usually over by 1:00 PM.


As the daylight slowly begins to wane and the leaves begin to fall, the Little Sprouts will be staying busy inside with lots of different activities. We will begin the month with a look at "Shapes." We will make a shapes color book, sing shape songs and build with some fun magnetic shape blocks. We will even create Noah's Ark out of different shapes. Our next theme is "Apples." We will taste red, yellow and green apples, read some fun apple stories and create a tissue paper apple. Our month ends will a look at fall. We will have a fall celebration day on October 31st with a delicious fall snack, finger plays and extra special craft.

Our Jesus stories this month feature: "Noah's Big Boat, Count the Stars! Jacob's Beautiful Dream, Joseph's Special Gift," and "Joseph's New Job".

- Mrs. Rachel Andrews


We have successfully finished our first month of preschool. This month in the three-year-old class we will learn about "Colors." The four-year-old class will be learning about "Fall & Pumpkins." During Jesus time the four-year-old class will learn the following stories: "God Answers Abraham's Prayer for a Son, Jacob Sees a Beautiful Dream, God has a Plan for Joseph." and "Joseph Becomes a Ruler." The three-year-old class will do all the same stories but, before starting the above stories will learn "God Saves Noah and His Family." the end of the month both classes will have a special "Family Read Day," paint pumpkins from Country Bumpkin and finally, on the last days of the month, will enjoy a Fall Party.

- Mrs. Lori Dundore, Teacher/ Director


New Life's Green Team met twice in the month of September. The theme for this year is "The Government of the United States." In September we learned about the founding of the country and the Declaration of Independence. Green Team will meet twice in the month of October. On October 10 we will look at the Constitution and on October 24, the Four Cornerstones of Freedom. All of these subjects are of great interest in a presidential election year.

Green Team begins at 6:30 PM and ends at 8:00 PM.


The speaker for October will be Rev. Kevin Stellick. His presentation will be given after the Sunday service on October 13 at 10:45 AM in the New Life Café.

Rev. Stellick lived 18 1/2 years in Taiwan planting a Chinese speaking church and mentoring local Chinese who were then called to lead that work. 2011, they moved to Shanghai, China and helped with churches, teaching, equipping and mentoring for ministry. For 20 years Pastor Stellick also served Mission to the Military of the WELS on Okinawa Japan visitations to US bases for worship and as a resource lay-leaders there.

Rev. Stellick's presentation will take the place of the presentations scheduled for Wednesday, October 16. Please make plans to attend.


The next rehearsal for the tone chime choir will be on Wednesday, October 16 at 7:00 PM. The tone chime choir will then play for the divine service on Sunday, October 20.


It's that time of year again to break out those stylish orange vests and clean-up our section of Long Grove Road. More helpers mean a faster cleaning time. Please sign up on the sheet in the lower level at church if you can help on Sunday, October 13th at Noon.


Sponsored by the Branch Connection

  • When: Tuesday, October 8th at 6:00 PM
  • Where: North Point Kitchen and Bar,24238 N. Lakeside Drive, Lake Zurich, IL 60047
  • Who: All women of the congregation and friends, too!

Please sign up on the sheet at church located on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall.


According to the Recruit Training Center at Great Lakes Naval Station, Adopt-a-Sailor is a "go" for this year. In years past when hosting Naval Recruits for Thanksgiving Day, New Life has prepared the turkey and stuffing and potatoes herself. This year we will be catering those main items. In the days ahead, a sign-up sheet will be posted to let people indicate if they'd like to bring a side dish for Thanksgiving. Pastor Bauer obtained a grant to fund the program. Thanksgiving Day is November 28.


Some of you may work for an employer that allows employees to designate contributions to certain charitable organizations. Tree of Life Lutheran Preschool is recognized by the United Way and has assigned our preschool the following number. Any and all contributions to the preschool are appreciated. Tree of Life is designed to serve as a self-supporting preschool.


The Thrivent Choice® program lets eligible members recommend where some of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans' charitable outreach funds go by directing Choice Dollars®. You can direct your funds to New Life Lutheran Church and/or Tree of Life Lutheran Preschool. The deadline for directing funds is March 31, 2024.


While updating Ministry plans for the next fiscal year it was noted that again the Elder's plan includes assisting members or friends of New Life with emergency assistance. Emergency assistance is often needed due to weather related emergencies. Be mindful that New Life has access to equipment and tools not always readily available to the person in need. Examples include generators, chainsaws, etc. Often times it may be as simple as just needing some extra hands to address a need. So, in the event you need help, please do not hesitate to call. To request assistance, simply call church at 847-438-5018 and leave a message.

-- Mike Spangle - Elder