New Life's annual voter's meeting and church picnic is scheduled for the second Sunday in July which this year is July 14th. Please mark your calendar and plan on attending.
As another school year draws to a close, I am again amazed as to how quickly it has passed. We have had a fun filled year in the Little Sprouts classroom. This class in particular came together very quickly as a group, which made our playtime even more enjoyable! The children learned to share, waited for their turns, sang songs, made crafts and, most importantly, discovered the word of God through Jesus Time lessons. The children learned just how much God loves them and that He sent His son Jesus to save us all.
I would like to thank all of my helpers this year - Mrs. Frieda, Ms. Katie and Mrs. Kelly. I really appreciate all of your hard work! Thank you also to Mrs. Lori for her help and guidance and for sharing her supplies. And to the parents of my students, thank you so much for your dedication and support. I feel very blessed to have been able to teach your children this year. I am happy that some of you will be returning in the fall and will really miss those who are not. I wish you all a wonderful summer!
- Mrs. Rachel Andrews
What a fantastic school year it was! Our final spring program went very well and all who attended had a good time. We ended our year with an ice cream party / game day. The weather was beautiful for the day.
To date we have 7 four-year-olds and 9 three-year-olds signed up for the 2024-2025 school year. We have plenty of openings, so if you know anyone looking for a preschool, please send them our way. I hope everyone has a wonderful and fun summer break. Thank you for all the prayers and continued support to our preschool!
- Mrs. Lori Dundore, Teacher/ Director
Thanks to Rachel Andrews and Susan Sarvady for teaching Sunday School this past year. Thanks also to Holly Koutsios for helping them. After many years of service, Rachel and Susan will be taking a break from teaching Sunday School. This means New Life will need to find new teachers for the coming school year.
The Branch Connection will serve a Father's Day breakfast on Sunday, June 16, starting at 8:30 AM. The Father's Day breakfast is for everyone. The breakfast will have a Mexican theme this year.
The Green Team learned about the great artists and their styles this past school year. Green Team ended the year with a cookout. Green Team will take a break for the summer and resume in September.
The Green Team is planning a trip to the Art Institute in Chicago for Thursday, June 13. We will train downtown on the METRA, leaving the Barrington Station at 3:00 PM. We will walk to the Art Institute from Ogilvie. The Institute offers a free night on Thursdays from 5:00 - 8:00 PM. If you'd like to go along you can indicate your desire on the sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall.
We need your help! Sunday, June 9th after church we will start setting up for the rummage sale. There is a sign-up sheet in the fellowship hall for help needed during the week and the day of the sale. The rummage sale will take place on Saturday, June 15, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Training Camp 2024 | July 14th - July 19th | A Lutheran Youth Summer Camp in Ingleside, IL. Are you looking for a youth summer camp for 2024? Consider registering for Training Camp! Training Camp is a Lutheran youth camp in Ingleside, IL. Camp is for youth who will be entering 3rd - 9th grade in the fall. Campers will be involved in daily devotions and Bible studies, arts and crafts, hiking, boating, tower climbing, blobbing, swimming, singing and much more. Camp costs $500 for the week. Registration and more information may be found at You are encouraged to reach out to Pastor Spaude with questions at or (847) 800-1051. Check us out on Facebook by searching for "Training Camp WELS."
Vacation Bible School is scheduled for July 22-26, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM each morning. Please include the week of VBS in your summer schedule. You may register your child / children on New Life's website here.
On Sunday, August 4, a trainer will come to provide a CPR and First Aid Class for the preschool staff. If you are interested in attending, please talk to Pastor Bauer. Cost $108 per person.
Some of you may work for an employer that allows employees to designate contributions to certain charitable organizations. Tree of Life Lutheran Preschool is recognized by the United Way and has assigned our preschool the following number. Any and all contributions to the preschool are appreciated. Tree of Life is designed to serve as a self-supporting preschool.
The Thrivent Choice® program lets eligible members recommend where some of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans' charitable outreach funds go by directing Choice Dollars®. You can direct your funds to New Life Lutheran Church and/or Tree of Life Lutheran Preschool. The deadline for directing funds is March 31, 2024.
While updating Ministry plans for the next fiscal year it was noted that again the Elder's plan includes assisting members or friends of New Life with emergency assistance. Emergency assistance is often needed due to weather related emergencies. Be mindful that New Life has access to equipment and tools not always readily available to the person in need. Examples include generators, chainsaws, etc. Often times it may be as simple as just needing some extra hands to address a need. So, in the event you need help, please do not hesitate to call. To request assistance, simply call church at 847-438-5018 and leave a message. Have a wonderful safe summer!