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New Life's Worship Service on April 21st, 2024, the Fourth Sunday of Easter -- Good Shepherd Sunday

Click here to download the Service Folder/ Bulletin (PDF)

Before Service Prayer: Jesus, my Good Shepherd who leads me, You know what lies ahead for me today and every day. By Your mighty power and tender love, turn my future, no matter what it is, to my eternal good. Guide me and guard me that I do not become lost in sin and unbelief. Amen.

Today's Theme THE RISEN SAVIOR PROVIDES GOOD SHEPHERDING: Scripture frequently pictures spiritual care in terms of a shepherd watching over sheep. Even folks unfamiliar with shepherding are able to grasp the meaning. Sheep are helpless animals - an easy meal for predators. For sheep to survive they needed a shepherd who not only leads them to sources of food, but who also is willing to tangle with a pack of wolves. Jesus is such a shepherd. He proved He is willing to lay down His life for His sheep.

The word "pastor" comes from the Latin word for "shepherd". Today, there are plenty of people - pastors, religious leaders, etc. - who claim they can provide healing for your soul. Yet, Scripture warns that "many" of these are "false prophets" (1 John 4:1) who "distort the truth" (Acts 20:30). Many! But the resurrection reality is that our Good Shepherd is faithful. He will raise up true sub-shepherds who know Christ and proclaim the truth of his gospel.

Today's Service: "Service of the Word" NPH reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-800156 and under CCLI license #11327771.

Christian hymns preach Jesus Christ: crucified, risen and seated at God's right hand. The hymns in this service are from "Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal" ©2021 Northwestern Publishing House. Used with permission. Additional hymns: "Christian Worship Supplement" ©2008 Northwestern Publishing House. Used with permission.

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You may see all our videos on New Life's YouTube Channel. Our services are also aired in the Lake Zurich area at 1:00 PM on Wednesdays and 5:00 PM on Saturdays on Comcast Channel 4, and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99 (select "Lake Zurich" as the community channel you want to access).