You may see all our videos on New Life's YouTube Channel. Our services are also aired in the Lake Zurich area at 1:00 PM on Wednesdays and 5:00 PM on Saturdays on Comcast Channel 4, and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99 (select "Lake Zurich" as the community channel you want to access).
Click here to download the Service Folder/ Bulletin (PDF)
Before Service Prayer: All things we have come from and belong to You, O God. Guide us, therefore, to use all we have to the glory of Your name and for the good of Your kingdom. Take our hearts and fill them with Your love; take our lips and move them to speak the truth of Jesus; take our lives and use them to serve in Your church. Move us by the Spirit of Jesus, to do what is needed to spread the gospel of Jesus worldwide for His name's sake. Amen.
Today's Theme Steward the Truth as Shared Humanity. Christian truth speaks to all people across time and distance. Whereas many popular perspectives on humanity view human beings as ever improving and advancing, Scripture presents a vision that's at once more broken and more beautiful than any of those perspectives. It shows us a common humanity with a common problem and a common solution. It reveals a truth that spans generations and geography. It teaches us about a shared humanity. Recognizing this shared humanity, and being able to evangelically discuss it, is critical to being a steward of the truth.
Today's Service: "Divine Service II" from CWS, NPH, reprinted under #A-800156 and under CCLI license #11327771.
Christian hymns preach Jesus Christ: crucified, risen and seated at God's right hand. The hymns in this service are from "Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal" ©2021 Northwestern Publishing House. Used with permission. Additional hymns: "Christian Worship Supplement" ©2008 Northwestern Publishing House. Used with permission.
You may see all our videos on New Life's YouTube Channel. Our services are also aired in the Lake Zurich area at 1:00 PM on Wednesdays and 5:00 PM on Saturdays on Comcast Channel 4, and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99 (select "Lake Zurich" as the community channel you want to access).